Friday, October 13, 2006

Down Under

Gruesse aus Australien! Ich bin in Adelaide, nicht ganz so bekannt wie die ganz grossen Staedte, dafuer gemuetlicher and mit viel Charme. Hier ist es warm - nach der Kaelte in NZ waren die 34 Grad ein grosser Wechsel; heute ist es etwas kuehler, sehr angenehm. Ich geniesse es, die Stadt zu besichtigen und einzukaufen; heute nachmittag treffe ich Freunde hier, mit denen ich das Wochenende verbringe. Dann geht's ab Montag los mit den Reisen.

Greetings from Australia! I'm in Adelaide, enjoying a lovely city with considerable charm, much more relaxed than Auckland was. It's warm and dry, was even hot (over 30 degrees) when the plane landed yesterday. I'll be visiting friends here over the weekend, then begin with my travels on Monday. For today, I' m enjoying the sights and shopping opportunities - I've stocked up on sunscreen and insect repellent...


Anonymous said...

Bah! And we've had unusually early cold weather here--even some snow flakes dancing in the air as the rain and a cold front blew into the region. Is this the weekend you visit Goldwine? Do say hello. Maybe I should be checking out the old chat rooms this weekend, eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

Goodness, it seems as though you've been quite literally a world traveler! So nice to be able to fly from place to place and not have to depend on a slow boat to Australia. :-)

The tree frog