Thursday, October 05, 2006

Das Abenteuer geht weiter/The adventure continues

Ich habe zwei wunderbare Tage hier in Rotorua erlebt! Es gibt viel Historisches zu sehen - die geologische Geschichte der Erde ist sichtbar in heissen, blubbernden Matschbecken, kochenden Gewaesser, Geysire und Dampfschwaden, die aus der Erde entweichen. Es gibt auch vieles aus der Geschichte der Maoris zu sehen - Artefakte und Kunstwerke, Tanz- und Gesangsauffuerungen. Da dieser Ort auch in der Vergangenheit als Badeort bekannt war, gibt es ebenfalls einiges darueber. Es hat mir gut gefallen, ich habe vieles gesehen und erlebt und fuehre mein geschriebenes Tagebuch gewissenhaft, so dass ich nachholen kann, was ich aus Zeitgruenden jetzt nicht erzaehlen kann.

I've had a wonderful time here in Rotorua! I've packed a lot of activity into two days; there's a lot of history to be seen here - geological, in the geothermical activity of geysers, bubbling mud ponds, and steaming waters. There's also a lot of Maori history to be experienced in performances of song and dance and in displays of artefacts and art works - often one and the same. I also tried out the hot baths in the Polynesian spa - a relaxing way to spend an evening out under the stars, going back and forth between the chilly air and the hot water.

Most of all, I went to Hobbiton!! I'll have to tell more about the film site in Matamata at a later time - my bus leaves soon for the next leg of the journey, but it was a fascinating experience. I had my picture taken with the party tree, so I'll have something to show, and of course more photos looking out of Bilbo's hobbit hole window and door - just the bare bones, but still a lot of fun! It really did feel like being in another world, as there was no sign of modern civilization to be seen - just a fabulous view and what remains of the film site. Pics may have to wait till I get home - uploading takes so much precious internet time...


Anonymous said...

Between Hawaiian volcanos and New Zealand hot springs, has anything reminded you of Mount Zoom?

Were you able to find any Maori fabric patterns?

And what has it been like to jump from fall to spring? or will the return provide a more marked change?

All these questions! I'm glad to hear you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Gah! What a typo! Drat that Hookbill. ;)I meant Mount Doom.