Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A month for all seasons

Yesterday I thought I must have blinked and missed spring - it was as warm as we often wish our summer days were, upper 20°s (Celsius, of course - should be about 80s Fahrenheit). Considering that this month began with icy coldness (I don't remember if the last snowfall was late March or early April), we seem to have gone through three seasons in as many weeks. Then this morning had some similarity with autumn - it was foggy after an early shower, with the sun struggling (unsuccessfully, so far) to come through, and when I walked under blossoming fruit trees, the petals floated to the ground like tiny falling leaves.

I hope it doesn't pass too quickly - I love spring! So much so, actually, that I plan to have it twice this year. How? Easy - by spending part of October in the southern hemisphere, in Australia and New Zealand. I hope that doesn't mean getting all the rain twice...


Natalia said...

Come to Durham, it's our last day of classes, we're supposed to have a concert, but it's raining buckets and I've got another post-retreatment tooth abcess.

I'm also horny as hell (go figure. Maybe it's something to do with the painkillers?).

It's definitely spring!

Anonymous said...

"Im Laufe des Tages werden örtlich starke Niederschläge auftreten", prophezeit der Meteorologe. Ratlos beugt sich sein Assistent über die Satellitenbilder und Karten "Woraus schließen Sie das?", fragt er. "Ich habe meinen Schirm vergessen und bin zu einer Gartenparty eingeladen."

: )

I have a sore throat just because of these few days of cold and downfall... But there'll be sunny days soon, I'm sure!


RainbowCatcher said...

Gute Besserung all 'round!