Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Now that I've had time to look through my photos, I'll be sharing some which should be of general interest to my readers. To start off, I caught a rainbow over New Zealand!

Here's the Auckland skyline, seen from the ferry.

Experiencing spring twice this year was one of the great privileges of travelling to the southern hemisphere in our autumn! I took more pictures of blooming flowers and blossoming trees than anyone besides myself would probably want to see. These are in Rotorua, NZ.

Bizarre rock formations and geysers are fascinating to see! (also in Rotorua)

More to come in the next days...

Hier sind nun einige Fotos aus Neuseeland zu sehen - ein Regenbogen, vom Flugzeug aus; die Skyline von Auckland, von der Fähre gesehen; Frühlingsblumen und blühende Bäume, der große Vorteil einer Reise zur südlichen Hemisphäre in unserem Herbst; und bizarre Steinformationen und Geysire. Mehr in den nächsten Tagen...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A perfect catch! and fascinating shading there, above and below the rainbow. Keep the pictures coming.