Monday, June 12, 2006

Football Quotes

Here, to go along with the big event, are a few of the light-hearted statements people have made about the world's most important sport:

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins. (-Gary Lineker)

"The offside rule is when the French mustard has to be between the teriyaki sauce and the sea salt." (-Jules' mother, trying to grasp the details of her daughter's chosen sport during a meal in "Bend It Like Beckham".)

"Natürlich drücken wir unserer Mannschaft die Daumen, und ich glaube, die Chancen sind gar nicht schlecht. Die Frauen-Fußballnationalmannschaft ist ja schon Fußballweltmeister, und ich sehe keinen Grund, warum Männer nicht das gleiche leisten können wie Frauen."
(Translation mine, therefore not official: "Of course we're crossing our fingers for our team, and I think their chances aren't too bad. The women's national football team is already world football champion, and I see no reason why men shouldn't be able to achieve the same accomplishment as women." -Angela Merkel, German chancellor, in her address to the nation on last New Year's Eve)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the first comment of Angela Merkel I truely support! : )