Saturday, February 24, 2007

Schnelle Gruesse/Quick Greetings

Hallo vom Toten Meer - bei wunderbar warmem Wetter geniessen wir Wasser und Sonne, sowie die fantastische Natur und die Ruhe hier. Mehr in den naechsten Tagen...

Hello from the Dead Sea! We are enjoying the warm weather with water and sun, as well as the fantastic flora and the relaxation here. More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! So that's where you've been. Sounds gorgeous! I have to admit I am rather envious. I sure whould love to travel more, too!

I didn't even go to my annual skiing holidays with my sons this winter, since the elder one had no time at all ( Praktikum in den Semesterferien) and the younger one didn't want to go with me alone.
Instead I have to get up before 6 in the mornings now, to fix breakfast & sandwiches for the poor student. Grrr!